Sunday, October 17, 2010

just wondering

(Edit: Since publishing this, it has been made apparent to me that Verizon selling iPhones is still speculative, so you can disregard this if you wish.)
What is AT&T going to do once Verizon starts selling the iPhone?
   I don't doubt that AT&T has other offerings besides the iPhone available to consumers. These might inspire people to want to buy phones from them as opposed to other carriers, but once they are no longer the exclusive provider of one of the most popular cell phone models in the short history of mobile devices, they could possibly lose a significant volume of customers. When you take into consideration that Verizon has undeniably superior 3G coverage than AT&T, I imagine that at least a few people will trade carriers next year.
   I may be biased because I've personally been using Verizon for a while now with no major complaints (don't really love my current phone, but meh, it gets the job done) but I'd like to think that I'm not the only person who thinks this way.
   Just something I had on my mind, carry on.

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