Monday, October 11, 2010

an apology

Dear lady whose day I ruined by taking her noodles out of the microwave,

   I'm sorry. It is not my fault that you left them there for so long when other people (myself included) needed to use the microwave. It also was not immediately apparent to you that the other microwave was occupied by an item which was much more unpleasant to handle. In a way, I was paying you a compliment by taking your noodles out instead of the other microwave's contents, but you will never see it this way.
   Your sarcastic "thank you" was quite rude and undeserved, and I did not appreciate it at all. From an uninformed standpoint, I can see how you thought that you had been wronged, but your reaction was not polite. I will not hold it against you, however. I will be taking the high road, as you could possibly hold a petty grudge against me.
   Hopefully we can move forward from this misunderstanding and resume our previous relationship, wherein we have not been introduced, never will be, and proceed with our separate lives without ever being the least bit concerned with one another's existence.

Best wishes,
-Andy S.

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