Thursday, May 19, 2011

My life

Most of my life has been plagued with a subconscious (and sometimes panic attack inducing) fear of Armageddon scenarios. I've come to terms with the concept for the most part. I don't fear death, I figure if I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I don't like thinking that, but that's what being mortal is all about.

I think the idea that everyone on earth will be killed at the same time in some violent cataclysm is what bothers me. Every time one of these doomsayers has come along with their predictions of whatever, I've been able to dismiss it as ridiculous. My subconscious, on the other hand, has always said, "what if they're right? What are you going to do? Panic! Panic! Panic!"

Which brings us to May 21st. I feel confident, logically, that nothing will happen. Irrationally, I'm on the verge of losing it. Once it passes, and everyone gets on with their lives, I'll feel better, but then there's the whole 2012 thing to look forward to freaking out about. I'm sure there will be tons of other potential ends of time that I will have to endure throughout my life, but I'd rather not hear about it.

If there is an impending apocalypse, just let it happen. I don't want to spend the time leading up to it filled with irrational dread, because that's no way to live.

In all of these scenarios, there has been little or nothing people could do to prevent it, so what's the point of knowing about it? Being prepared? I don't want to prepare for death, that's depressing! I just want to be able to carry on with my life.

There are a lot of other aspects about this whole concept that I could ramble on about, but what it boils down to is this; There are a lot of religions out there, they all believe very different things, the odds of any one of them being "right" about anything are basically nonexistent.

I let this stuff bother me way more than I should.
I'm gonna go do housework.